6. Far Away
In a place far away there is a house
A white one having porches all around
Viewing a waterfall, a lake and wooded grounds
In a place far away there is a song
And good friends side by side singing along
Their voices matching, sounding deep and clear and strong
In a place far away there’s an accord
No promise being broken or ignored
Kept by everyone and all to cherish and reward
Here in my dream I tend to my garden
Keeping word, keeping word
Withered or green, winter or harvest
Keeping word, keeping word
In a place far away I can be
Easy laughter, easy loving, fair and free
At ease with anyone who’s moving
Close to me
Tekst: Trudie van den Bos (2014)
Muziek: September
Zang: Trudie van den Bos
Gitaren en keyboard: Johan Vromans
Opname en productie: Johan Vromans
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