10. Jelle’s Song (Revisited)
We receive them as we are received
And we urge them on to leave
To go jump into their lives
Let the angels be their guide
To let go and to be free
We urge them on to be
Where were the angels
when this one tried to fly
Were you looking just the other way
Were you looking at all
Let him try, let him try
Onto You we throw the waves
of our longing to be saved
Unto You we pledge our souls
when we sacrifice our goals
Unto You we burn our fires
It is You that we desire!
Where were the angels
when this one tried to fly
Were you looking just the other way
Were you looking at all
Tekst en muziek: Trudie van den Bos Muziekinstrumenten: Johan Vromans Opname en productie: Johan Vromans
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